Friday, July 24, 2015

Night Inception: Harmony

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. -Romans 12:16

There will be some times in our lives when we will study or train hard for something, and succeed at that task. There will also be times when we will be rewarded that prayed-hard-for job.
That's good. Remember, though, for every winner, there has to be a loser.
Wouldn't every one get along with each other better if we respected each other's feelings? Is there no reason, we can't congratulate those who have tried and failed with the same enthusiasm as those who have succeeded? Sure there is.
When we realize that God is in control, we should be excited no matter what the results. Pumping our fists and yelling in excitement shows not only a lack of respect for others, but also creates in others the feeling that God is good only when you get what you want. That's not true, for God is good...all the time and all the time...God is good. Amen!

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