Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Morning Inception: Cast Your Burden

Cast Your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you; He will never permit the righteous to be moved. -Psalm 55:22

One of the worst things that can happen to us as Christians when witnessing to those we work with or have as friendly associates, is for us to do something un-Christ like in front of them. When we do this wrong thing, we feel that all the goodness of Jesus has just gone right out the door, and we think they are saying, "See, even Christians act like that." In a way, they are right.
Christians are still sinners. The difference is how we handle ourselves afterwards. We ask for forgiveness, from God first, and any one we have hurt or were witness to what we did. Then we make amends, if necessary. We must be open and transparent about what we did to others in letting them know we did wrong. Sometimes these incidents can be even a better witness of our Lord and Savior. For He will never let us be moved. Amen!

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