Monday, July 20, 2015

Night Etching: A Cheer from God

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. -Romans 12:12

Ever travel to a stadium to watch a football game? Most people go to see their favorite team. Helping to cheer your favorite team are cheerleaders. Have you ever heard them cheer for the defence, when the other team has the ball? Some cheers go, "Defense, Defence, Defense," while others say, "Push them back, push them back, push them way back."
This verse in Romans is a cheer from God whenever we come into trouble. God says for us to be joyful about the hope we have in Him for He will take care of His children, be patient and trusting for His timing is perfect, and for us to continually keep in contact with Him and let Him know how we are doing. God is cheering us on. Amen!

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