Monday, July 20, 2015

Morning Inception: Be Still

Be still and know I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth! -Psalm 46:10

Although man's law may change and allow immoral behavior to be accepted by man, God's is the same. God's laws and God's ways never change, are never updated, and never will be overturned. As Christians, we feel as though the world is changing before us and there is nothing we can do. There is plenty we can do. Be still, be patient, persevere, and stand fast and watch as what is accepted by man will crumble and fall. The only kingdom to survive will be God's.
His Word never changes. His Word never needs to be changed. His Word is the anchor for those who have given their heart to Him and His Son.
Watch as eventually the nations will exalt Him and feel the freedom that His Goodness brings.
He will be exalted throughout the earth, no matter what man may change.
He is God. Amen!

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