Saturday, July 18, 2015

Night Etching: Serve the Lord

Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. -Romans 12:11

Young girl prays before eatingZeal is not just enthusiasm, but is enthusiasm for a cause.  The author is telling followers not to hesitate in their service to the Lord. Many times during our life as a follower we will show reverence to our Lord that will bring ridicule to ourself. These things could include saying a prayer before you eat at school or saying "no" to your work colleagues when they want to go out drinking. We think to ourselves that we are just not in the mood to be ridiculed. But the author here says don't be slow in serving the Lord. Allow the spirit to help you through these moments. And when you do, no matter the results,you have served Him with honor. Amen!

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