Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Mid-day Thought: Why Be Down?

Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, my salvation. -Psalm 42:5

What if the choir one Sunday morning service was playing all your favorite songs, and all your friends were there singing loudly and clapping, praising the Lord?  Then afterward a preacher preached the Word of God so clearly that you felt in His presence, would you become upset if you saw a candy wrapper on the floor? No. You would be so filled with the Spirit that most of us would just pick that old candy wrapper up and tuck it in our pockets and not give that little piece a waste a second thought.
That is how we should view life and the struggles that we go through everyday. We as Christians must realize that we are saved by the grace of God. No matter what happens, we have Him as our Lord and Savior. The key for us is to visualize ourselves in that church service hearing that music and hearing God's Word being preached. When that happens we are in His Spirit and the things in this life that try and bother us will become candy wrappers that we just tuck in our pockets. Amen!

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