Thursday, July 30, 2015

Mid-day Thought: Soul Cast Down

and my God. My soul is cast down within me; therefore I remember you from the land of Jordan and of Hermon, from Mount Mizar. -Psalm 42:6

When our soul is cast down, the psalmist encourages himself by saying to God that he will remember, and then mentions three places. The key to the three places of remembrance is the Jordan. The land of Jordan could be talking about the fords of the Jordan. These fords and their possession meant victory to whomever possessed them. Obtaining these fords meant for the possessor a strong means of defense. Also, the dry ground of the Jordan is what Joshua led the people of Israel through in the Jordan river to get to the Land of Promise.
Mount Hermon marked the northern limits of Joshua's victories while Mount Mizar is a site at the headwaters of the Jordan.
When our soul is cast down, remember the Jordan and the victories that God led His people through there. Whatever land you are in now, may it be the land of trouble, or the land of unemployment, or the land of hurting, don't forget His victories in the Jordan. May He extend His boundaries to relieve your soul. Amen.

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