Friday, July 10, 2015

Morning Inception: Everlasting Life

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. -John 3:16

For us to fully grasp the meaning of this verse, let us first define the word begotten. Begotten means a child that comes into existence by reproduction. Jesus was the only child that was conceived of the Spirit by God, with Mary bearing the child. God even acknowledged Jesus as His Son and how proud He was of Him.
The verse simply lets us realize the great sacrifice that God made for the world, even though we are unworthy of such a sacrifice. He tried everything to attract our attention from judges and prophets to keep us from harm, but nothing seemed to work. So, God gave the only Son of His kind to save us.
Placing that in perspective would be if we stood before a judge and said that we would take the penalty for a person that committed a heinous crime to someone we love. It's unimaginable, but that is the love and wonderment that is within our God.
Walk today with forgiveness in your heart being not too quick to become angry or judgmental. Realize that people may have many problems burdening their hearts and could use a kind word, instead of a harsh one. Remember what our Lord did for us...for us the world! What little kindness can we do for another?  Amen.

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