Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Morning Inception: Coming to the Father

I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by Me. -John 14:6

Sometimes whenever you are travelling there is only way one to reach your destination. The other pathways may be blocked by traffic or roadblocks. There is no decision to make in figuring out what road to travel when there is only one.
This is the same way about our Spiritual path. There is only one way to travel and that way is Jesus. All other paths will send you away from God in heaven.

In this passage Jesus says that He is the Way. When something calls itself the Way that means you must travel down that road. Jesus is calling us, His followers, to take the same road that He took to the Father, no matter what the consequence.
In this passage, Jesus says that He is the Life. When something calls itself the Life that means this passage will not be a dead end or an endless road to nowhere. He will lead us to where the Father is.
In this passage, Jesus says that He is the Truth. When something calls itself the Truth, that means that this is the right way. That means that this road will lead you to your destination.
Jesus is the road we must travel to be with the Father. No others make that bold claim. I want to travel with Jesus, by Jesus, for Jesus to Jesus. Amen.

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