Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Morning Inception: His Way

Wait on the Lord, And keep His Way, And He will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off -Psalm 37:34

Have you ever been to a doctor's office before? Do you remember the first thing you did before you saw the doctor and after you signed in? You waited in the waiting room. Why did you wait in the waiting room? So you could see the doctor and have him tell you what was wrong with you and help heal you.
We wait on the Lord in the same way. God is the expert of life and can help us with any situation we may haven't gotten ourselves into. When we wait on Him, He will guide and direct us for He loves us so.
And when we wait on Him, He will not only help us but lift us up for others to see and win their respect and loyalty.  For within God's ways are truth and honor. When we go the wrong way, we will be left out. God bless His way. Amen!

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