Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Night Etching: Living Peaceably

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. -Romans 12:18

Many of the argument and confrontations that happened today could have been opportunities to show the glory of the Lord. Someone cut in front of you recklessly while driving, the fast food place messed up your order...again, the worker before you didn't stock any supplies or clean the place before they left, and your neighbor wants to borrow another tool when they haven't brought the other one back yet. The list of these kind of small and petty things happen all day long sometimes. They become even worse when you are hungry and tired. Remember, that your calmness and peace are not only for your good, but can bring a peace to others. Focus on the beauty of God's creations. Allow the peace of God cover your soul as the leaves cover the ground on a Fall day. Peace be with you. Amen!

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