Thursday, July 30, 2015

Night Etching: Love Your Enemy

To the contrary, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head." -Romans 12:20

In our devotion yesterday, we were told to allow God to be in charge of our vengeance when it comes to our enemies. If God's part is vengeance, then what are we to do. This verse answers that question. The writer talks about treating your enemy with respect. Focus on the well being of the person, instead of focusing on the hatred and the desire to inflict pain on others.
If the same person who cut in front of us in traffic, almost causing an accident, somehow becomes stranded on the road, we are to provide the help they need. The key that God wants us to learn is how to love. God doesn't judge us on the love in our heart by how we love those that are easy to love, but loving those that are hardest to love. That kind of love can be the strongest kind of love we can have. May God help each and every one of us contain a heart filled with "tough" love. Amen.

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