Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Morning Inception: He Loved Us First

In this is love, not that we have loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. - 1 John 4:10

What if you were at school, or at work, or at home and began receiving gifts and notes of affection? How would that make you feel especially if you did not know who was sending these tokens of affection?
But let us take this one step further. What if one day, your actions hurt some people that sent you before a judge that found you guilty. The judge found your actions so bad that he sentenced you to death or life in prison? You were guilty and there was nothing you could do. Except this Man stands up and says, " I will take that punishment for you."
You ask the Man. "Why would You do such a thing?" The Man answers back and says, "Because I love you."
Would you not feel relieved, loved, and thankful?
This is what its like in the love God has for us. He has created us and loves His creation so much. He not only has sent His written Word for us, and given us this place to live with its beautiful creations, but realizes what is inside our hearts. He knows that we will sin against Him, which in His eyes is worthy of death. But God loves us so much that as a propitiation for our sins He sent His Son in our stead. The word propitiation means doing something to win favor of another you have done wrong like baking cookies for someone you may have said something wrong to or even saying, "I'm sorry."
God loves us that much. That has to be comforting for us no matter what we are facing, or will face today. God understands. Thank You, Jesus. Amen

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