Thursday, July 16, 2015

Mid-Day Thought: Father, Listen

Bow down Your ear to me, deliver me speedily; be my rock of refuge, a fortress of defense to save me. -Psalm 31-2

The request of asking someone to bow down usually comes from a child to their parents. Here, the psalmist asks God to bow down so that He can be heard. A tender time between God and His child.
Some of you are blog writers;Speed in deliverance is the key to the next line. Sometimes people try to provoke us to anger or bait us in to doing something wrong. We pray God will send an answer soon, and not allow us to loose our temper or fall into temptation.
We ask God because He and His Word are solid and full of wisdom useful in times like these. When our attackers hear His Word, our deliverance will come soon. Amen.

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