Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Morning Inception: The Potter and the Clay

O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter has done? declares the Lord. Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand so you are in my hand, O hose of Israel. -Jeremiah 18:6

Potter's WheelA warning from Jeremiah to the people of Israel to turn from their evil ways. The Lord is our Potter. We are suppose to allow His Word and His Ways to mold us into the men and women that He created. If we do not heed our lives to His Word and His Ways, then we become clay for another potter. That other whom will mold us can either be the world and its expectations of what is beauty and right or can be another person of whose attention, affection, and approval we desire. In either case, the unfortunate end is disastrous even to the point of death.
Allow God to be your Potter and let Him mold you in the care as He created you, fearfully and wonderfully.

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