Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Night Etching: Who Can Seperate From God

Who shall seperate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? -Romans 8:35

As we lay our head upon our pillow, and moments before we drop off to sleep, there is a couple of questions which we must ask  ourself.
Did I allow anyone or anything to place themself between me and my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?
Was I honest and sincere with everyone today or was I overstating matters a bit to make myself look better?
Was I humble and appreciative at work or at school or at rest today, or was I taking the day for granted and acted as though tomorrow was a given?
Was I a positive and godly example today or did I let someone gossip, talk bad about someone, or fake laugh at an inappropriate joke?
Lord, if I was a good and faithful servant, I praise You for Your strength and guidance.
But Lord if I lifted myself over You or was inappropriate today in Your eyes, please forgive me and help me correct my wrong and learn from my sin to be stronger the next time. Amen!

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