Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Night Etching: When He Speaks

For when He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm. -Psalm 35:9

My first repelling adventure was a trip with my brother. He tied one end of the rope firmly around a rock, and with the other end though it over the side of the cliff we we're going down. My brother turned my back to the cliff and instructed me to hold the rope with both hands, but wrapped around my bottom. Then he said for me to lean over the cliff and kick with my feet out to start repelling.
When I began placing my weight over the cliff, I wanted to stop. But my brother convinced me to trust him and try. I did and had a great time.
We have to trust in God's Word, even though we may be frightened. His Word is trustworthy. Amen!

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