Thursday, August 6, 2015

Mid-day Thought: Why Jesus was Sent

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. -John 3:17

Jesus came into the world to fulfill the law. The Jews thought Jesus, the Messiah, came back to re-establish His people as the chosen Ones, again. He did, but just not the way they expected.
Many thought Jesus would lead His people into battle, a bloody battle, to take command. But Jesus did not come to harm or kill people. Jesus came to save them.
Gandhi during the 1940's wanted, as many of his fellow countrymen did, freedom from Great Britain so they could manage their own country. Although many of the British ways angered Gandhi, such as natural-born Indians were treated like second class citizens compared to the British who were there, he did not want to harm them. So, Gandhi created his non-violent rebellion where he wouldn't harm the British, yet create in their hearts shame when they harmed the people of India. His plan worked as India gained its independence.
Jesus didn't come in judgment upon the children of God, but as a Savior. For if we believe in Him, we shall be saved. Amen!

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