Thursday, August 6, 2015

Evening Etching: Law of the Spirit of Life

For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. -Romans 8:2

There is an old story that gives the kind of example of the burdens we place upon ourselves when going our way instead of the Lord's:
God once placed a 2 lb. rock in a man's wheelbarrow and told him to wheel the stone up the mile long hilland place it at top. Well, as the man was easily going along he met another man whose wheelbarrow had broken. He also had a stone in his wheelbarrow. The other man asked the man that if he was going to the top of the hill, would he mind carrying his? The man agreed since even the two stones were light.
Wasn't too long when the man met a pretty lady who had five stones. She winked her eyes, and of course he took her stones as well. Along the way, the man kept meeting people who asked him to take their stones.
When the man got about three quarters of the way, his wheelbarrow fell over and he could not go any further. He cried out to God and asked God for help. God came. The man asked God why He had placed such a burden on him. But God responded by telling the man that He had only asked him to take one stone up the hill. He told the man that the rest is what you put on yourself.
This is what happens when we go another way than His. For His burden is light. We are usually the ones that place the heavy burdens on ourself by not following His ways. Feel the freedom of Christ. Amen!

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