Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Night Etching: God of My Life

By day the Lord commands His steadfast love, and at night His song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life. -Psalm 42:8

He is called the God of our life for He is with us day and night. During the day, the psalmist writes, that He commands His steadfast love. The day is when we are most active whether we are working or studying or travelling or taking care of the children. This is the time when are energies are most exerted. This is the time the Lord commands His steadfast love. A steady dose of the love that strengthens and encourages us to complete our daily duties.
At night, the psalmist continues, is the time that His song is with us. This is the time of the day where we rest and reflect. His song is all the times He was with us today.
And our part is a prayer to the God who gives and sustains our life. Amen!

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