Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mid-day Thought: Justified by His Blood

Since, therefore, we have now been justified by His blood, much more shall we be saved by Him from the wrath of God. -Romans 5:9

When there is a large debt that is owed to a creditor, the feeling of anxiety is so bad we can literally feel the weight on our backs. What if this debt was so large that we knew we could never pay it off in our lifetime ? A sense of hopelessness and desperation would overcome our emotions. We would feel as if the one we owed the debt could do anything and take anything they wanted at anytime. We would never feel secure.
But if someone paid off that enormous debt for us, how would we feel? And would we worry about the repercussions from the one we owed the debt? No longer could that person do anything to us? Where is that weight now? Amen!

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