Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Night Etching: When He Speaks

For when He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm. -Psalm 35:9

My first repelling adventure was a trip with my brother. He tied one end of the rope firmly around a rock, and with the other end though it over the side of the cliff we we're going down. My brother turned my back to the cliff and instructed me to hold the rope with both hands, but wrapped around my bottom. Then he said for me to lean over the cliff and kick with my feet out to start repelling.
When I began placing my weight over the cliff, I wanted to stop. But my brother convinced me to trust him and try. I did and had a great time.
We have to trust in God's Word, even though we may be frightened. His Word is trustworthy. Amen!

Mid-day Thought: Open Your Eyes

Just open your eyes and see how the wicked are punished. -Psalm 91:8

Doing the right thing is not always easy. People don't always notice when someone has stood up for the right thing.
One of the most obvious ways people don't do right and many times goes unnoticed, is when someone talks about another person to you. They put the other person down in front of you. If we opened our eyes, we would have to ask our self this question when they are gone, "I wonder what they say about me?"
Those who are wicked will do the simple things to ensnare themselves. Amen!

Morning Inception: The Word Remains Forever

for all flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers and the flower falls, but the Word of the Lord remains forever. And this Word is the good news that was preached to you. -1 Peter 1:24,25

Nice to be able to pray to God whose Word is so handy for us today. Listen to people speak at work or school or on the television and what seems to be the subject or topic they are discussing? Is the subject gossip about another employee or student or entertainer? Are the people talking about themselves or something trivial like the weather?
Can you remember your preacher's last sermon and its subject? Nothing like hearing God's Word preached or talked about, is it? It's a subject that is good news for all. Amen!

Night Etching: Night Court

The one who rejects me and does not receive My words has a judge; the Word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day. -John 12:48

Freedom. The word has taken on a different meaning today. Freedom in the righteous form means free of evil and hate.
But now people think freedom is to do whatever they feel and not receive any consequences. But the Lord says, no. All who rejects the ways of the Lord will one day be judged for his actions. Let God's righteous freedom ring. Amen!

Mid-day Thought: Receive the Implanted Word

Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. -James 1:21

During our day today we will have many temptations which will come before us on our computers, our television sets, cell phones, and many, personally. Allow us as followers of Christ to be able to firmly stand by the Word of God throwing light on those things of darkness and deflate those whose efforts are to hurt, shame, or try in lowering that which we find sacred. Why corrupt that which saves peoples' souls? For they live in the darkness and know no better! Allow the Light to rid us of the darkness around us. Amen!

Morning Inception: His Law Never Void

But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one dot of the Law to become void.
- Luke 16:17

Man's law can be changed. Worse than that is with enough money and influence man's law can be overlooked or overturned.
But not with God's law. Once it was spoken by God it never changed. He will never overlook a law that has been broken.
Man's law is supposed to protect us, but can be abused. God's law is there to glorify Him and His truth. Amen!

Night Etching: My Rock Never Forgets

I say to God, my rock: "Why have you forgotten me? Why do I go mourning because of the oppression of the enemy?" -Psalm 42:9

There are 400 years of silence between the last of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament. During that time, the Jews were being oppressed and crying out to God.
God hears His children, but many times we need to be patient for God's answer. For His timing is perfect.
During the 400 years between the two testaments, a couple of things happened that helped to glorify God to prove He is the One and only God. One, the Romans dominated the earth. This made travelling actually easier, and so easier to preach the gospel. Second, Alexander the Great conquered most of the Mediterranean. He had all businesses speak and write Koine Greek, the language the New Testament was written. In time, the language became dead and thus, the words of the New Testament were not subject to change because of culture and thus, words meaning changed.
After all this, God sent His Son, perfect timing to help relieve His people's mourning.
Be patient, my brother and sister, for our Rock is waiting for the perfect time to squash our enemy. Amen!