Tuesday, February 17, 2015

At the End of the Day I Must Ask, "Did I Do?"

As this day comes to a close and my eyes lids grow heavy, I come to realize that this day can never be changed. Everything I did today is permanent and cannot be erased. My actions and what I say may be forgotten, but God knows what took place.
How did I do? What could I have done better? Did I burn any bridges, or did I establish new ones? This day was for the majority, about Kip. His check for two weeks rent did not go through. Just another indication that his life is still spiraling out of control. He wants to sit around and analyze why he has no motivation for anything, when all he needs to do is...do. As the Nike ad goes, "Just Do It!"
He did give me cash at the end of the day. But his life is like Patrick's in that he is reactive instead of being proactive. Along with the cash came a note he wrote which read:
I'm sorry for the confusion. Thank you for caring for me. I don't plan on quitting. It's surprising how simple Just Do It is. And yet I have such a hard time doing. I lack commitment. So I start by staying committed when things become usual to me. I get bored and my interest wonders off. I haven't found my cliche yet, but I want something that sets me on fire. I love you both. This is a struggle of my life. Maybe this (struggle) will be what breaks the Cain for good. I still yearn for success and influence, but my mind is like a puzzle with scattered pieces."
What Kip hasn't come to learn is that anything worth having is worth fighting for. Nothing, even the perfect woman, will have "boring" days. But working through things is where the reward is.

He's young and has had a rough time of life, but it's time to start fighting. May he learn and understand that.
Good Night, Moon. Good Night, Lord!

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