Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Thank God or Thanking God?

Why do I always seem to want to sleep late when I have to go to work, but wake up early on my days off?
I was sleeping so well this morning. I felt as though I had been sleeping in a cocoon for days, having to fight my way out through layers of soft yet tough webbing in order to rise up. But I fought through the webbing, and began my morning rituals.
On one hand, I ought to be ashamed of my attitude. I should wake up, "Thanking God!" On the other hand, I felt I was "Thanking God". I appreciate that I have a warm bed to sleep in that feels so good with a roof over my head, and propane in the tank. Isn't my Lord happiest with me when I enjoy the things He provides for me? I am warm and secure in His arms today!
"The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms." - Deuteronomy 33:27

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