Monday, February 16, 2015

Worry: My Duty or My Burden?

I hear the ringing of the wisdom of my mom today. "You never stop worrying about your children." She knew what she was talking about. The problem with children is a parent worries about them more as they become older. Why? Because they are no longer under your control. They are now old enough to take care of themselves.
Yes, the perfect parent teaches the child the best they can, lets them go into the world, realizing they will make mistakes, but has the faith that they will eventually land on their feet. I am not the perfect parent. I worry about them.
But what does worry add to any situation?  That's what the Bible says about worry (yes, I am paraphrasing a bit).Yes, worry adds nothing, but in my heart I feel as though worrying is my duty as a parent.
My faith is in the Lord. In Him, I trust. He will do what is best.
Verse of the day: "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it."Amen.

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