Monday, June 8, 2015

Why Worship God?

Why worship God? For He is the only true stability of life. He is Creator and Sustainer; without Him we would have no anchor, a boat without a rudder. Life would be meaningless; He is the meaning of life; the only worthy to call Lord and King. I understand God is here to help to guide me to our home. Life is not here to please the flesh, but guide the soul to its home. Along the path of life will be many possible detours, for God wants only those who truly desire a place of no pain, or sorrow, or tears, or crying or death. Only God has that place and the ability to give us that. That's why He made us; to have a kingdom where He is King and His people are full of love, mercy, kindness, hospitality, etc., just as He is. You must truly and sincerely realize and desire all this to be part of that kingdom. This means investing your life, a fleshly life always ending in death, for a spiritual life, ending in eternity with Him.

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