Monday, June 8, 2015

His Symphony


Lightning storm over Sydney
Lightning flashes in a timely fashion

Notification the show is about to start.

The skies grow dark, the clouds fill up

Tiny drops fall as a warning to those below

Patrons scatter to their seats of safety

For the intensity of this performance

Can be quite dangerous; costing some their season tickets.


Men, women, and children are among those

That scatter for their seats,

Though their patronage is not alone.

Among others are God’s creatures;

Living on the land and in the air;

Knowledge of the symphony is instinct.


The show begins with sounds from the percussion,

Blowing hard, then soft, yet hard again.

While the percussion plays, the bass section intervenes

With rumbling sounds of charging bulls.

As the orchestra plays, the patrons stay in awe

Magnificence fills the sky, all eyes on the light and laser show.


With a background black as coal

The conductor begins with a flicker in the West.

A solo from the bass sets the mood

As the percussion picks up the tempo.

Crackling and popping form attention from the East

Accompanied with veins of light flowing in the sky


Those patrons in safety overcome with wonder

While darers and runners caught, sense fear and flight.

Creatures of His, snug in their dwellings

For this, not most their first performance.

But whether patrons of safety or caught in flight

Or creatures of His, all respect the Conductor and His music.


Time passes; hard rains which filled the air, now dwindle to naught.

Dark clouds move away; blue skies become brighter

The percussion has died down, no rumble from the bass.

The light and laser show gone, no background from which to work.

The sun beams in; the drops drip softer and softer

The symphony has moved on; a new city, a new show.


Patrons of safety and creatures of snug

All begin to rejoin their normal scene

Those who dared to brave the Conductor’s show

Now relieved; a few even brag.

In hours all will forget, the music of the symphony

Until another day when the Conductor decides to play…once again.

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