Friday, January 23, 2015


CLOAKED - is to be made invisible. In this world, I feel some have made a goal of making others invisible. An example of this is our political system. Once considered an honorable system by serving our country with fellow man has now become a playground for the rich and egotistical to further their allotment in life. Today, to run for an office in Washington, one must be rich and influential (not in the moral way, but one who can do favors for others). History shows the only way to combat a bad system is for the people to rise up...together...under one banner. Unfortunately, the people of America are not deprived enough...for Americans are still pretty well off...enough to not want to change the current system. Politicians powerfully dangle things in front of us when the people should be the ones dangling our power to them. In reality, they have CLOAKED us...Us being the poor, the middle class, the blue collar, the middle and low end white collar...all those with little or no power, money, or influence. I am tired of our government's out of control behavior and their ability to CLOAK me, and others like me...who desire a government for the people by the people and of the people...servants who do not CLOAK.

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